STEM Roving Rover Build Docs

2017-02-06 - GitHub

Roving Rover Build II: docs Issue #11

Stand-up Questions

  1. What did I/We do last work session?
  2. What job/work for this session?
  3. What (if anything) is blocking progress for this session?


  1. Keep; if only have one thing, what would it be?
  2. Drop; what one bad idea/strategy definately drop?
  3. Add; what bring in or change to make things better next time?

  4. [X] GPhoto

Roles and Responsibilites

Materials Manager

  • tools; storage room; raw material

Lead Engineer

  • main hands-on person
  • can request/designate others to help
    • example: arduino circuits/breadboarding
    • example: chassis build

Build Manager

  • plan; coordinate
  • goal-setting, stand-up and retrospective (K/D/A)

Media Manager/Videographer

  • capture progress
  • upload raw data everyday

  • [X] GPhoto

Other Title Responsibilities
Feet Materials Manager Stuff
Head Build Manager Handles the plan
Hands Lead Engineer
Eyes Media Manager

We are trying to prove ourselves wrong as quickly as possible, because only in that way can we find progress. - Richard P. Feynman Richard P. Feynman at Cornell University

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