
May-June 2017


  • Tomato Germination
  • Jesse and Lina will bring the tomatoes from the back room to the class and will return them after.
  • make sure that students put full names and the date on all worksheets and hand them in at the end of the class.
  • Measure Growth
    • Q+Q Observations; 1 student quantitaive, the other qualitative. There may not be any significant data to record, yet; but a record should still be done.
    • take pictures, if have device
  • Prediction activity
more will germinate same number will germinate less will germinate
. . .
  1. Vocabulary

  2. Research Questions

Number of seeds planted . .
Date of planting seeds . .
Date on which first seed germinated . .
Date on which last seed germinated (do not count seeds that did not germinate) . .
Total Number of seeds that germinated . .
  • Seed Care and Watering
    • The peat pellets (or soil) should be kept moist during the germination phase. Check the peat pellet or soil daily to ensure that it is damp to the touch, but not soaking wet. Add water accordingly as needed. The watering schedule may vary depending on the humidity of the room.
    • Remember to water the peat pellets or soil before leaving for the weekend and as soon as possible upon return. It is important that the peat pellets or soil does not dry out.

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