Draft - December 2016

General Descriptions of Levels

Beginning Progressing Proficient Mastered
In the Discovery phase In the Exploration phase In the Synthesis phase In the Innovation phase.
Understands what is expected / needs to be learned concerning concept or skill. No major errors regarding simpler details of concept or skill. Consistently demonstrates core elements of skill or concept. Consistently demonstrates in-depth inferences and application of skill or concept.
Narrow, single focus on minimal concepts Can articulate minimal overt relationship between concepts Develops universal concepts, generalizations, and essential questions Consistently deals with complex levels of generalizations and essential questions
Output focused at Bloom’s levels 1–2 (remember and understand). Output focused at Bloom’s levels 2 – 3 (understand and apply). Output contains Bloom’s levels 4 – 5 (prediction, analysis and/or evaluation). Output contains Bloom’s levels 6 (creation).
Uninitiated. Apprentice. Journeyman. Master.

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