Applied Design, Skills and Technologies

A New Curriculum

B.C.’s Kindergarten to Grade 12 (K-12) education system is being modernized with new curriculum. In the fall of 2015, we began the three-year process of transitioning to the new curriculum. Beginning in September 2016, students in K-9 learn the new curriculum only. A key goal [of the new curruculum] is to provide students with an education that is flexible and innovative. They’ll also gain the knowledge, skills, and abilities they need to succeed in today’s world. Another goal is making sure that teachers can deliver the curriculum efficiently and effectively. The new system provides teachers with more time and flexibility to explore topics in depth with students. B.C.'s New Curriculum -

As of September 2016, BC K - 9 Teachers have been using the new BC Applied Design, Skills and Technologies Curriculum.

The ability to design and make, acquire skills as needed, and apply technologies is important in the world today and a key aspect of educating citizens for the future. The new Applied Design, Skills, and Technologies (ADST) curriculum is an experiential, hands-on program of learning through design and creation that includes skills and concepts from traditional and First Peoples practice; from the existing disciplines of Business Education, Home Economics, Information Technology, and Technology Education; and from new and emerging fields. It envisions a K–12 continuum fostering the development of the skills and knowledge that will allow students to create practical and innovative responses to everyday needs and problems. Applied Design, Skills and Technologies -

Big Ideas of the ADST curriculum

The Big Ideas are intended to capture a progression of learning in applying design processes, skills, and technologies, as shown in the chart below.

. K–3 4–5 6–8 9–10 11–12
Applied Design Designs grow out of natural curiosity. Designs can be improved with prototyping and testing. Design can be responsive to identified needs. Social, ethical, and sustainability considerations impact design. Products can be designed for lifecycle.
Applied Skills Skills can be developed through play. Skills are developed through practice, effort, and action. Complex tasks require the acquisition of additional skills. Complex tasks require the sequencing of skills. Personal design interests require the evaluation and refinement of skills.
Applied Technologies Technologies are tools that extend human capabilities. The choice of technology and tools depends on the task. Complex tasks may require multiple tools and technologies. Complex tasks require different technologies and tools at different stages. Tools and technologies can be adapted for specific purposes.

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