Resources Uncovered

Elementary Inquiry 2016-2017

Developed for our Final session on Thursday, May 17, 2017


  • joint initiative between the BC Ministry of Education, the BCTF, and Computer Using Educators of BC (CUEBC). CUEBC consists of BCTF member teachers who volunteer their time to serve the members of the Provincial Specialist Association of the British Columbia Teachers’ Federation.

Discover Skills BC

CS Unplugged

  • CSUnplugged_OS_2015_v3.1.pdf, ELEM INQ GFolder version
  • Each Unplugged activity is available on the CS Unplugged to download in PDF format, with full instructions and worksheets.

    CS Unplugged is a collection of ~23 free learning activities that teach Computer Science through engaging games and puzzles that use cards, string, crayons and lots of running around. We originally developed this so that young students could dive head-first into computer science, experiencing the kinds of questions and challenges that computer scientists experience, but without having to learn programming first. Unplugged Activities

Creating a Probability Game Based on Story

  • Creating a Probability Game (GR4).pdf -; a cross-curricular way to address probability content in Grade 4 Mathematics and content from Applied Design, Skills and Technologies 4, which is new to the curriculum.


  • Stanford's Research in Education & Design (REDlab's) mission is to conduct research to inform our understanding of design thinking in K-12, undergraduate and graduate educational settings.
    • Antarctica Project–Design Thinking version.pdf - The Antarctica Project teaches middle school students to use functions to solve a complex, real-world problem. The unit also includes review of measurement, scale, area, perimeter, and surface area concepts, as well as some computation practice.

Design A Board Game

  • Shell Centre for Mathematical Education Publications Ltd. In Design a Board Game, groups carefully design and produce their own board games. These games are then played and evaluated by other class members. This involves developing ideas from 2-dimensional shape-and-space, together with basic concepts of probability. The materials comprise a teacher’s guide, a student booklet, a set of photocopy masters and a set of game boards and cards for the example games.

Programming Cards

Blooms Revised Taxonomy / Domains of Knowledge
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