Computers and Communication Devices

Content Learning Standard

Students will experience a minimum of three modules of Applied Design, Skills, and Technologies 6-7 in each of Grades 6 and 7. Schools may choose from among the modules listed below or develop new modules that use the Curricular Competencies of Applied Design, Skills, and Technologies 6-7 with locally developed content. Locally developed modules can be offered in addition to, or instead of, the modules in the provincial curriculum.

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    • simple algorithms (for sorting, searching, sequence, selection, and repetition; specific statements to complete a simple task; cryptography and code breaking (e.g., cyphers)) that reflect computational thinking
    • visual representations (graphs, charts, network diagrams, info graphics, flow charts, lists, tables, or arrays) of problems and data
    • evolution of programming languages (historical perspectives, evolution (e.g., Ada Lovelace, punch cards, Hollerith, Grace Hopper, Alan Turing, Enigma, cyphers))
    • visual programming (for example, Kodu, Scratch)

    • software programs as specific and sequential instructions with algorithms that can be reliably repeated by others
    • debugging algorithms and programs by breaking problems down into a series of sub-problems
    • binary number system (1s and 0s) to represent data
    • programming languages, including visual programming (for example, Scratch, Alice, Greenfoot, BlueJ) in relation to text-based programming (for example, HTML) and programming modular components (for example, Arduino, LEGO Mindstorms)

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